

E.    Murphy

Designer based in MTL
& NYC • Currently at Porto Rocha & Previously at Gretel & Caserne

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Etienne Murphy

Etienne Murphy
Designer based in NYC & MTL • Currently at Porto Rocha 
and Previously at Gretel & Caserneetienne.murph@gmail.com

Rag custom
Design at Caserne
w/ Ugo V-Lachapelle & Leo B-Allaire

︎ Brand identity
︎ Art Direction

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I sensitively explore each project’s value to provide clear visual identities with a strong focus on typography and photography. I work on branding, book design, packaging, web and art direction mandates. My work have been awarded by the Art directors Club, Applied Arts & Idéas. 

He sensitively explore each project’s values to provide clear and meaningful design solutions.
